´ëÇѾð¾îÇÐȸThe Linguistic Association of Korea


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Á¦¸ñ A Survey of Vision Conceptual Metaphor Mechanism: A Comparative Study Based on the Corpus of Vision Metaphor in English and Chinese
ÀúÀÚ Zunshuai Li ¡¤ Heechul Lee
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Ãâó 127-155
³í¹®°ÔÀçÀÏ 2024.03.31
ÃÊ·Ï Li, Zunshuai & Lee, Heechul. (2024). A survey of vision conceptual metaphor mechanism: A comparative study based on the corpus of vision metaphor in English and Chinese. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 32(1), 127-155. This paper explores the role of vision metaphor in conceptual metaphors and its impact on cognitive processes. Within embodied philosophy and Cognitive Linguistics, a new theoretical framework called Vision Conceptual Metaphorical Mechanism (VCM) is proposed. The study collected vision metaphorical expressions in English and Chinese, enabling a systematic analysis and comparison. Through the analysis of a corpus of 400 examples, 48 vision conceptual metaphors were identified and classified into four categories: idea, judgment, expectation, and behavior. The findings demonstrate both universalities and diversities between English and Chinese vision metaphors. This research contributes to understanding of metaphor as a cognitive mechanism and provides insights into cross-linguistic differences. Key contributions include the introduction of VCM, a comprehensive survey of vision terminology, the identification of new vision conceptual metaphors, and the revelation of universal and diverse aspects of vision metaphors.
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