ѾȸThe Linguistic Association of Korea

ѾȸThe Linguistic Association of Korea



  • Ȩ
  • Խ
  • ȸ


Ѿȸ 2023 мȸ ȳ
ۼ : ѹ̻ 2024-05-15 420

ȸ Ե鲲,


ȳϽʴϱ. Ѿȸ 빮ȸ ȸ Բ мȸ 2024 5 18() 1ú ϴб մϴ. α׷ Ʒ Ǵ ÷ص帰 Ͽ ȮϽ ֽϴ. ȸ е ɰ Ź帳ϴ.


<мȸ >

1. : а

2. : 2024 5 18() 13:00~18:10

3. : ϴб ķ۽ 506ȣ

4. α׷: ÷

5. ǥ: ȸ Ȩ ž

6. Ư: Forensic linguistics and fake news detection (̿/泲)


2024 мȸ غȸ ø.