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Degree Modifier Associations in the Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
Implicit Statistical Learning Ability in L1 Sentence Processing
English Sentential Subject Extraposition: A Constraint-Based Approach
2015 °³Á¤ ±³À°°úÁ¤¿¡ µû¸¥ °íµîÇб³ °øÅ뿵¾î±³°ú¼ ¹®È ³»¿ë ºÐ¼®
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26±Ç 3È£ (2018³â 9¿ù)
- English Sentential Subject Extraposition: A Constraint-Based Approach
Seung Han Lee
Pages : 71-87
# SSE # sentential subjects # extraposition # focus effect # EXTRA
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