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The Why-not Construction in Korean: A Direct Interpretation Approach
L2 Acquisition of Raising Revisited: The Role of the Experiencer Phrase
How Universities in Korea and the US Position Themselves in Brochures
A Study of Learning Strategies in a Flipped Class Based on Logistic Regression Analysis
A Study on the Effects of a TETE Class on English Learners¡¯ Motivation and Anxiety
Oral versus Written English Grammar: Evidence from Korean Adult Learners¡¯ Data
The Effects of Dictogloss Tasks on EFL Learners¡¯ Syntactic Development
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26±Ç 2È£ (2018³â 6¿ù)
- Intentionality, Purpose, and Tasi ¡®Again' in Korean
Juwon Lee
Pages : 147-173
# repetitive reading # pseudo-repetitive reading # purpose-repetitive reading # restitutive reading # tasi # again # intentionality # modality # Korean
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