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- Two types of VP-ellipsis in Korean
Pages : 85-120
Lee, Jeong-Shik. (2017). Two types of VP-ellipsis in Korean. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 25(2), 85-120. In this paper, based on some arguments for VP-ellipsis (VPE) in null object constructions in Korean, I propose that VPE be classified into two types: Additive VPE (or To-VPE) and Contrastive VPE (or Nun-VPE). I then show that some perplexing contrasts can be properly accounted for by VPE, but not by NP-ellipsis, Argument-ellipsis, or pro. I also attempt to offer a new account for the appearance of the additive particle -to in Additive VPE and the contrastive particle -nun in Contrastive VPE in terms of a principle of language use, called Maximize Presupposition. VPE thus appears as a common property across languages, particularly, in both English and Korean, and VPE thereby correlates with sloppy readings in general (Huang, 1991).
# additive VPE # contrastive VPE # additive -to # contrastive -nun # sloppy reading # Maximize Presupposition # NP-ellipsis # argument ellipsis # pro
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