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The SVO Hypothesis in Korean: Word Order Variation, Head Movement and Linearization
A Study of Mapping Between a Source Domain and a Target Domain in Food-Related Metaphors
The Effectiveness of Staged Translation in Young EFL Learners¡¯ Vocabulary Learning
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ÁßÇб³ ¿µ¾î ±³°ú¼ ÀбâÀÚ·á ±¸¼º ºÐ¼®: 2009 °³Á¤ ±³À°°úÁ¤À» Áß½ÉÀ¸·Î
23±Ç 4È£ (2015³â 12¿ù)
- The SVO Hypothesis in Korean: Word Order Variation, Head Movement and Linearization
Jeong-Shik Lee
Pages : 63-90
# word order variation # head movement # linearization # SOV hypothesis # SVO hypothesis
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