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Teaching Methods for Turkish Learners of Korean Based on Contrastive Analysis: Focus on Long Term Memory Effect and Student Questionnaires

Soyoung Yang

Pages : 121-152

DOI : https://doi.org/10.24303/lakdoi.2024.32.2.121




Yang, Soyoung. (2024). Teaching methods for turkish learners of Korean based on contrastive analysis: Focus on long term memory effect and student questionnaires. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 32(2), 121-152. In order to develop an effective teaching method in the perspective of contrastive analysis on Korean and Turkish, the two languages were contrasted and categorized into six contrastive types. Effective teaching methods for each contrastive type were analyzed according to the experimental group(Translation teaching methods) the Consecutive translation and Back-translation teaching methods and the control groupthe Focus on Form teaching method, as well as the learners' evaluation of all three. After the experimental lecture, the first examination test was conducted and two weeks later, on the second examination test, it was found that the two Translation teaching methods (Consecutive Translation, Back Translation) were effective for long-term memory of 'Korean same as Turkish' type. However, had a negative effect on type of 'Absent in Turkish, present in Korean'. Type of One Turkish corresponding to many in Korean has the highest importance and learning priority and type of Absent in Turkish but split in Korean holds the highest in the learning difficulty hierarchy among the types. InOne Turkish corresponding to many in Korean type and the below average scoring group of Absent in Turkish but split in Korean type, the Back Translation and Focus on Form methods were effective for long-term memory. For types of Korean different from Turkish' and Absent in Turkish, present in Korean, the Focus on Form method was effective for long-term memory. According to the student evaluations of the experimental lecture, students preferred input learning in the Back Translation method, and preferred output learning in the Focus on Form method.


# contrastive types # consecutive translation # back translation # focus on form method # long-term memory


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