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Pages : 73-92

DOI : https://doi.org/10.24303/lakdoi.2024.32.1.73




Han, Mihyang. (2024). The effect of peer feedback on Korean college students English presentation skills. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 32(1), 73-92. This study aims to examine the effects of EFL learners peer feedback on their English presentation ability and their awareness of the feedback activities. Twenty four Korean college students participated in three minute English speeches and peer feedback and self feedback activities. The results show that there was no statistically significant difference in scores of three rounds of peer feedback on the students English presentations while there was statistically significant difference in scores of five rounds of self feedback on their own presentations. It suggests that peer feedback on English presentations was made with more care than self feedback and that English speaking and presentation skills need more practice and time to be improved. But the results of the presentation activity survey reveal that the presenters found their performances getting better and their self confidence in English speaking enhanced as they experienced more presentations. The usefulness of English presentation in the classroom is discussed.


# ¿µ¾î ¹ßÇ¥(English presentation) # ¹ßÇ¥ ´É·Â(speaking ability) # µ¿·á Çǵå¹é(peer feedback) # ÀÚ±â Çǵå¹é(self feedback) # äÁ¡Ç¥(rubric)


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