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The Internal Structure of Reflexives and a NP-internal Movement Analysis
Chinese Undergraduate Students¡¯ Motivation to Learn L2 English and L3 Korean Simultaneously
What Restricts or Boosts the Use of Internally-Headed Relative Clauses in Korean?
English Wh-Question Formation by Korean Elementary and Middle School EFL Students
Korean ESL Learners¡¯ Individual Differences in Intercultural Sensitivity and Language Development
31±Ç 3È£ (2023³â 9¿ù)
- What Restricts or Boosts the Use of Internally-Headed Relative Clauses in Korean?
Jieun Lee, Say Young Kim, Sanghoun Song
Pages : 113-137
# internally-headed relative clauses; similarity; structural priming effect; statistical preemption
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