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Pages : 23-47
Ji, Moon-gun. (2022). A language transfer on English literacy. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 30(2), 23-47. This study investigates within-language transfer and cross-language transfer of English reading literacy and writing literacy. 125 6th grade elementary school students (boys: 67, girls: 58) were recruited to participate in this study. Eight tasks were implemented for the current study: English reading literacy, English writing literacy, English phonological awareness, English orthographic awareness, English morphological awareness, Korean phonological awareness, Korean orthographic awareness, and Korean morphological awareness. The outcomes were analyzed through correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results of regression show that Korean orthographic awareness plays an important role in English reading literacy. Second, Korean phonological awareness and Korean morphological awareness predict a significant amount of unique variance in English writing literacy. These findings are compatible with the linguistic interdependence hypothesis that states that if learners develop their L1 abilities, and linguistic knowledge, they are able to transfer those skills to their L2. Also, the current study discovers that within-language transfer English orthographic awareness is significantly associated with English writing literacy.
# ¹®ÇØ·Â(literacy) # À½¿îÀÎÁö(phonological awareness) # öÀÚÀÎÁö (orthographic awareness) # ÇüżÒÀÎÁö(morphological awareness) # ¾ð¾î»óÈ£ÀÇÁ¸°¡¼³(linguistic interdependence hypothesis)
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