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- Çѱ¹ÀÎ L2 ÇнÀÀÚÀÇ ¿µ¾î Àç±Í´ë¸í»ç ½Àµæ°ú ¸Å°³º¯Ç×-Àç¼³Á¤ Àü·« ¿¬±¸
Pages : 1-22
Cho, Wooyoung. (2022). Korean L2 learners' acquisition process of English reflexives and parameter-resetting strategy. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 30(2), 1-22. This paper aims to explore the process of Korean learners' acquisition of English reflexives and parameter-resetting strategy. This study was designed and conducted to examine how Korean middle school students acquire syntactic properties of English reflexives, and whether their acquisition process is constrained by Universal Grammar (UG). The experiment consists of 3 groups of Korean middle school students, from the 1st to the 3rd grade. A total of 120 students consisting of 40 students in each grade participated. The results of this study show that Korean students in the lower grade transfer their L1 parameter values to interpret English reflexives, while students in higher grades can reset the parameters of Korean reflexives to the English values. The findings of this study suggest that all Korean students are still constrained by UG even when there is L1 transfer and the subset principle is inaccessible.
# Àç±Í´ë¸í»ç(reflexives) # º¸Æí¹®¹ý(Universal Grammar) # ¸Å°³º¯Ç× °ª(parameter values) # ¸ð±¹¾î ÀüÀÌ(L1 transfer) # ºÎºÐÁýÇÕ ¿ø¸®(subset principle)
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